My Porto Alegre Time:

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Sports Clubs in Porto Alegre

There are many sports clubs around the city. The biggest ones are Grêmio Náutico União and Sogipa. The clubs have several indoor and outdoor swimming pools, tennis courts, gym, recreation areas, restaurants and sport classes. During the summer holiday they have special programs for kids. The União club has 3 different facilities, one in the Petropolis neighbourhood, one in Moinhos (open 24 hours a day) and the third is on an island on the Guaiba river.
We have been members of the União and the Juvenil clubs. The Juvenil is a smaller, yet fancy club, located in the Moinhos neighbourhood.

To use a club facilities you must become a member. Usually, the membership is for life, by buying a sort of club share and paying a monthly fee. There are lots of clubs in a wide price range. It's important to know, that as a foreigner, you don't need to buy the club share (which is very expensive). There's an option to pay a flat entrance fee and then a monthly fee that you stop paying whenever you decide to stop your membership. We usually renew our membership for the summer months only.
Addresses: Grêmio Náutico União (GNU) - Rua João Obino, 300 Tel. 3025.3800
Sogipa - Rua Barão de Cotegipe, 415 Tel. 3325.7200
Juvenil (AJL) - Rua Marquês do Herval, 280 Tel. 3323 4304


TBA said...

i had no idea that as a foreigner you could get a different rate. do you have any idea the entrance and monthly rates are for these clubs?

Dafi said...

Hi Victoria,
I don't remember exactly how much it was. To give you an idea - it was around 350R$ a month for the 4 of us plus a registration fee. That was 2 years ago in Juvenil.
The best way is to go to the club (not to ask over the phone) and explain that you're foreigners and you'll be staying in POA for a short period of time. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the feedback guys :) . by the way, this is a great blog. parabens!
it's getting a little late int eh summer now, so i guess i'll have to hold off until next summer to join a club.